Previous ISIS leader, al Baghdadi
Throughout the past couple years ISIS has struggled massive defeats. Initially a strong American alliance with the Kurds lead to the removal of ISIS forces from Northern Syria. This was a large victory because it heavily setback ISIS plans. President Trump recently removed all American forces out of Northern Syria leaving the Kurdish people extremely vulnerable to genocide despite their previously help with the deterring of ISIS. This moved caused mass controversy not only because it leaves the Kurds extremely vulnerable, but also it gives ISIS a renewed hope. However, over the past week the leader of ISIS, Baghdadi, was killed.
The Untied States of America has been extremely focused on eliminating al Baghdadi over the past year. Luckily, due to the fruitful relationship between Iraq and the US, the Iraqi military supplied information that directly led to the assassination of al Baghdadi. The information was obtained through an arrest the Iraqis made of two of al Baghdadi’s inner circle roughly two weeks ago (See Link). The United States utilized this crucial mission to plan an operation and seize the opportunity.
The strike on al Baghdadi’s compound had to be impeccable in order to eliminate the possibility of escape. Luckily the US forces did a fantastic job. In order to gain a proper visual on the compound the Americans utilized satellites. Once a visual was established US forces used US F-15 fighter jets and MQ-9 Reaper Drones to conducts multiple air sticks on the facility. The Americans then approached the compound and called out for all civilians to come out if they wanted to remain unharmed. 4 women and a man approached, they were repeatedly told to stand down, they then proceeded to engage the American troops and were eliminated. The Americans then established a position inside of the compound and found al Baghdadi hiding in a tunnel. Among him were 2 kids. He realized escape was impossible and blew up a suicide vest he was wearing. He killed himself and the two kids (See Video). This was a major victory in the fight against ISIS, however a threat is still very real.
History has proven that once a terrorist leader is eliminated, it’s not the end. Al-Qeada is a prime example of this. Post-assassination of Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qeada was still reeking havoc across the globe. As of last Thursday, ISIS announced their new leader and will continue to rain hell upon the world (See Link). But there is still a large victory here non-the-less. ISIS no longer has the ability to act as a pro to-state: they no longer have access to vast amounts of Israeli land. Alougth there 10,000-15,000 fighters still roam through the Middle East, they no longer have a safe haven, a country they can go to when times are troubling (See Link). ISIS has been cornered, but they are still dangerous.